Sunday, October 29, 2023

Chess Film Pre-Production: Day 1

 Chess Film: Day 1

Today was the first day of the pre-production of the chess film. We got in are groups and had to discuss what are main plan of action would be. We made sure everyone was reminded of what role they had. We began by seeing what each role was responsible for the portfolio we had to put together. I pointed out the fact that my role as editor did not have any work that was needed to be done yet so I would help out on anything if need be. We then began brainstorming concepts for the chess film. 

Initially we had an idea to create a sort of Coming-of-Age film. We had ideas to create straight cuts to show a difference in time and create a somber tone to it all. Then we did a 180. We realized that this was our first real film, and we had a strict time limit to fit, and we didn't have the bets equipment possible. We realized humor would best be captured with the limitations we had. So, we began brainstorming funny scenes we could put together like intense close ups on chess pieces or massive amount of sweat dripping down. From there we had a base for the script and potential people to fill in the roles.

I learned that you have to play to your strengths when it comes to film-making and make do with what is available to you. We had a time limit, we had no dialogue, we had a fairly decent camera, but a first time go at real cinematography.  You may have ambitions and dreams of what you want your film to be like, but if the final product will ultimately suffer due to your limitations, then it is best to find a new direction. My group did this, and we believe we can make a better product than what we could have with our initial idea. 

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Production Portfolio: The Final Cut