Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Narrative Equilibrium – Tzvetan Todorov (Blog Post 7)

Narrative Equilibrium – Tzvetan Todorov (Blog Post 7)

Identify at least one example of each of the following in the clip: Proppian characters, equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium, In media res, multiperspective narratives.

Proppian Characters: Victim & Seeker-Hero: Ethan, Villain- Russian Pilots, Donor-Luther, Helper-Benji, Dispatcher- William 

Equilibrium: Plane with package is grounded. Luther is working on gaining access to Russian satellite. Benji is chidden in grass. William is talking them through the mission. 

Disruption: Engines of plane start, opening wrong doors, nearly getting caught, hanging off the side of the vehicle, can't access certain parts of the plane.

New Equilibrium: Manages to get in the plane. Escapes plane with the package.

In Media Res: Story starts during the middle of a high stakes mission with little context as all we know is the plane can't take off with the package. 

Multiperspective Narratives: Perspective switches between Ethan, Luther, Benji and William as they deal with the package on the plane. 

In a three-sentence paragraph, apply Equilibrium theory to A) assert a meaning or purpose of the clip; B) provide specific evidence to support the meaning, and C) clearly connect evidence with your assertion.

The purpose of the clip is to establish a general background of the characters in the clip and build a basic understanding of what the film will largely be about. The film starts with a mission going on where we see someone who is controlling the mission and who is assisting in the mission without seeing the main character yet, the main charter then appears as conflict starts as he is put in a life or death scenario which he is then helped out of by the assisting characters. Here we see the purpose of the main characters introduced to have a general idea of what their role will be within the film through the use of the beginning mission as well as seeing that our main character seems to get in intense situations like, hanging off planes, as he goes on missions that he ultimately overcomes with help from those around him such as Benji and Luther. 

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Production Portfolio: The Final Cut